Acorns Help Center
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Acorns Invest: General Questions
- Can I add a beneficiary to my account?
- Why is diversification important?
- Can I see a list of Base ETFs, Custom Portfolio ETFs, and Custom Portfolio stocks I can choose from?
- Why don’t I have access to Custom Portfolio?
- How can I use Acorns?
- In a recession, should I be investing?
- What is a Custom Portfolio?
- Corporate Actions from Acorns
- Can I add Custom Portfolio to my Later and/or Early account?
- How do I remove Custom Portfolio from my Acorns account?
- What is Bitcoin?
- What is crypto?
- Is Acorns a good investment?
- Can I choose my investments?
- Can I invest in specific companies?
- What is an ETF?
- Why is my money being invested in index funds?
- How often should I invest money?
- What should I do with my money when the market is down?
- Can I transfer stocks from Robinhood to Acorns?
- Is there risk involved in my investment?
- What is Proxy Voting?