Why didn’t I get exactly the withdrawal amount I requested?

Article author
Alexander G.
  • Updated

Withdrawing from your Invest account 

Important considerations  

Withdrawing from your Invest account

When you make a withdrawal request from your Invest account, Acorns will sell your shares and transfer you the balance. But the stock market is constantly moving up and down. In the time that it takes for your investments to be sold, they may have gone up or down in value, along with the stock market.

If you make a request to sell your shares before 11am PT on a day the stock market is open, the request — also known as a "sell order" — is usually processed the same day. If your request was made after 11am PT on a market day or on a day the market is closed, like the weekend, Acorns will sell your shares the following market day. 

What that means is if you sell your investments and the market experiences a dip, you may end up with less than you expected from your withdrawal.

Important considerations

It's important to know that a withdrawal can "lock in a loss" — what that means is if you sell any investments during a market dip, you aren't giving them the chance to recover. 

The only way to avoid that loss is to keep your money invested, if you can. Long-term investors who stick with it may very well give their money a better chance to recover and grow over time.

Withdrawals can also have tax implications. If you sell shares, you may receive important tax forms from Acorns that you'll need for filing your taxes. We'll email you more information when it's close to tax time, or you can check for tax forms under Settings.

Your tax situation is unique, so please consult a tax advisor or visit www.irs.gov with any questions. Acorns doesn't provide tax advice, but if you're having issues withdrawing funds or receiving an error, please contact us.

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