How do I select stock(s) for my Custom Portfolio?

Article author
Alexander G.
  • Updated

Here's how to select stocks for your Custom Portfolio: 

  1. Choose which stock(s) you want to add to your Custom Portfolio. These stocks will be added to your Portfolio Builder.

  2. Set the percentage targets for each stock you’ve added to your Custom Portfolio (1% minimum per stock). This is called a Target Allocation. Cumulatively, the percentages you choose for the stocks in your custom portfolio must equal 100%. 

For example, let’s say that you decide to allocate 5% of your overall Acorns Invest account towards stock “ABCDE.” That 5% is your target allocation.


The next time you make a one-time investment, Round-Ups®, or Recurring Investment, we will place the necessary purchase orders to move you closer to that 5% target allocation. 


Your Base Portfolio, meaning anything outside of your Custom Portfolio, will continue to be managed by Acorns, on your behalf. 

Your Custom Portfolio is yours to customize and manage. 

Together your Base and Custom Portfolios make up 100% of your Acorns Invest Account.

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