Will you tell me when I reach the IRA maximum limit?

Article author
Tatiana B.
  • Updated

The Later Contribution Cards show how much you've put in for the current tax year compared to the IRA maximum limit, and how much you can still add before reaching the maximum.

The contribution card will show you when you've reached your annual contribution limit for your Acorns IRA.

Contribution cards are available on Android, iOS, and the Web and can be viewed by signing into Acorns.com and going to your later account. The contribution card will be listed on the right hand side, below the recurring investments section. iOS users will not see a Contribution Card at this time.  

The contribution card only tracks contributions made to your Acorns IRA account. If you have multiple IRA accounts, you can't contribute more than the contribution limit across all of your accounts in a given year. Excess contributions could be subject to the IRS penalties. For more information, consult your tax advisor or visit www.irs.gov

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