What are Milestones?

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Milestones are a celebration of the small steps on your financial wellness journey that can add up over time. Every time you complete a Milestone, you’ll earn points that unlock new levels to help you keep growing your oak. 

To check out your Milestones, you can follow these steps:

From your Acorns app:

  1. Log in to Acorns and tap the profile icon in the top left corner of the screen
  2. Tap 'Milestones'

From acorns.com: 

  1. Log in to Acorns and click the “Milestones” section

Here, you’ll be able to view all the different Milestones for each Acorns account. You can click each Milestone to learn how to complete the task.. 

Please note: Milestones are a way to track your investor progress. There's no monetary value to the points earned from Milestones. 

Contact us if you have more questions about Milestones.

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