How do I unfreeze my primary checking account?

Article author
Hoang P.

We’re here to help! If your primary checking account is frozen, it’s likely due to failed verification attempts. 

To verify that your bank account belongs to you, we make a couple of small deposits and ask you to verify the amounts. You have 3 chances to enter the correct amounts. 

If the amounts you enter don’t match the actual deposit amounts, we may temporarily freeze any further verification attempts. 

Take these steps:

  • If your bank linking progress status says "Verification failed," you'll need to either resend the deposits or contact support.
  • To resend the deposits, select “Resend verification deposits”. These small deposits take 1-3 business days to show up in your linked primary checking account. 
  • When you see them arrive, try the verification process in your Acorns app again.
  • If this doesn’t work, please contact us.

Heads up

You can only resend the verification deposits a maximum of two times. If there are too many failed attempts when verifying these deposits, you may see a message saying that your Acorns account is locked. If this happens, please contact us to help unlock and verify your account.

We hope this helps you grow your oak!

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1 comment

  • Comment author
    James Crosby

    Time frame would be nice.


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