Thanks for reaching out about this. You may notice an extended processing time on your investments after a chargeback in your Invest account.
What is a chargeback?
When you make an investment, we reflect that amount in your Acorns balance as we process your investment.
A chargeback is when the transaction is declined by your bank, causing us to cancel the investment. This means that the funds were not withdrawn from your bank account. You can verify this by checking the activity in your linked bank account.
To understand why your bank declined the transaction, you’ll need to reach out to them directly.
4 business day hold
When a chargeback occurs, all new investments for the next 90 days will have a 4 business day hold before the funds are invested.
Because of the hold, your investments will take 7-10 business days to process for 90 days from the chargeback date.
If you have any additional questions, please contact us.
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