Can I call to renew my soon to be expired debit card?

Article author
Alexander G.
  • Updated

No call is necessary. We’ll send you a new debit card when yours is about to expire.


If you haven't used your Acorns debit card in the last 90 days, you’ll need to order a new one in your Acorns account.. 


Here's how to replace your debit card:


From your Acorns app:

  1. Log in to Acorns and tap “Checking”
  2. Tap the gear icon in the upper right corner
  3. Tap “Replace card”
  4. Follow the prompts to request a new card



  1. Log in to Acorns and tap “Checking”
  2. Tap the gear icon in the upper right corner
  3. Tap “Replace card”
  4. Follow the prompts to request a new card

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