How is the portfolio for my Acorns Early Invest account selected?

Article author
Alexander G.
  • Updated


Great question. All Acorns Early Invest customers are placed into our “Aggressive Portfolio” because of the age of the beneficiary (the child). 

When we’re younger, there’s likely more time to accept investment risk in exchange for seeking greater potential reward over time. 


As we age, it’s common practice to adjust our risk tolerance, because our money may not have as many years in the market to earn potential reward. 


Here’s how to view a child's Acorns Early Invest portfolio:

  1. Log into your Acorns account
  2. On the home screen, tap the child's name to view their Early account
  3. Tap "Portfolio" on the child's Early account details page


To learn more about investing for the children in your life, check out this article on Acorns Learn


Thanks for letting us help them grow their oak!

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