Can anyone contribute to an Early Invest account?

Article author
Hoang P.
  • Updated

There are just a few requirements to invest in an Acorns Early Invest account:

  1. Have a billing address in the United States
  2. Have a United States bank account
  3. Use a debit card, not a credit card 


To invite friends and family to invest for the child in your life, refer to this FAQ, or follow the easy steps below:

Invite friends and family to give an Acorns Early Invest Gift:

  1. Log in to your Acorns account
  2. Select the child 
  3. Select the "Ask for Gifts" button 
  4. Select "Share"


After you share the custom link, your friends and family can kick off their easy Early Invest Gifts experience. In addition to choosing an amount, they’ll be able to share a custom gift message.


The earlier we start investing, the more chance our money has to grow over time. To learn more about investing for kids, check out this article from Acorns Learn.  

We’re excited to help them grow their oak!

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