How do I cancel a pending contribution to my Acorns Later account?

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  • Updated

We’re happy to help. If your contribution is still pending, follow these easy steps to cancel.

  1. Log into your account
  2. Tap or click on "Later"
  3. Under Recent Activity, tap or click on "View All"
  4. Select the transaction you would like to cancel
  5. Tap or click on "Cancel transaction" from the populating field
  6. Tap or click on "Confirm"

If your contribution has already been processed, you won’t see an option to cancel it in your Acorns app. If it’s before 5:30 pm PT on the same day that you requested the contribution, please contact us and we’ll try to help.

When you’re ready to invest in your future again, consider setting a Recurring Contribution. It’s an easy, automatic way to invest regularly in the life you want later. 

Plus, a Recurring Investment gives you a chance to tap into the proven power of dollar cost averaging

Grow your oak!

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