We’re happy to help. If your contribution is still pending, follow these easy steps to cancel.
- Log into your account
- Tap or click on "Later"
- Under Recent Activity, tap or click on "View All"
- Select the transaction you would like to cancel
- Tap or click on "Cancel transaction" from the populating field
- Tap or click on "Confirm"
If your contribution has already been processed, you won’t see an option to cancel it in your Acorns app. If it’s before 5:30 pm PT on the same day that you requested the contribution, please contact us and we’ll try to help.
When you’re ready to invest in your future again, consider setting a Recurring Contribution. It’s an easy, automatic way to invest regularly in the life you want later.
Plus, a Recurring Investment gives you a chance to tap into the proven power of dollar cost averaging.
Grow your oak!
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