Are there any limits to how many Acorns Earn offers I can redeem?

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  • Updated

There are no limits on how many Acorns Earn offers you can redeem.

However, each Earn partner may have their own limits and exclusions. Make sure you tap “Exclusions” on each Earn offer to see all limits and exclusions before making a purchase.

Here's how to check out our Earn offers:

From your Acorns app:

  1. Log in to Acorns and tap “Earning” in the lower right corner
  2. Here you can see all participating Earn partners
  3. Once you tap an Earn partner or reward, you can tap “Exclusions” to make sure you follow the rules to receive the reward


  1. Log in to Acorns and click “Earning” on the left hand side
  2. Here you can see all participating Earn partners
  3. Once you click an Earn partner or reward, you can tap “Exclusions” to make sure you follow the rules to receive your reward

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