Why is my Financial Institution blocking third party access?

Article author
Kelly R.
  • Updated

Some banks prevent third-party apps like Acorns from linking with their systems.

We can’t make recommendations to change or disable security settings with your online banking account, but this may prevent us from transferring funds to and from your Acorns account, like Round-Ups® and Earn Rewards.

If you choose to make a change, unlinking and relinking your bank should update your connection.

When you’re ready to put Acorns to work for you, here's how to link a Round-Ups® account: 

From your Acorns app:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Tap the profile icon in the upper left corner of the screen
  3. Tap "Settings"
  4. Tap "Linked Accounts"
  5. Tap "Link another account"
  6. Search for your bank and connect using your banking credentials

From acorns.com:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click on "Profile & Settings" in the lower-left corner of the screen
  3. Under "Personal Settings, "click on "Linked Accounts"
  4. Click on "Link another account"
  5. Search for your bank and connect using your banking credentials

Remember, linking your accounts is how we easily, automatically transfer funds, like Round-Ups® and Recurring Investments. 

Many of our tools are designed to automate investing because investing regularly has historically proven to be a solid strategy. Learn more about it here.

We hope this helps you grow your oak!

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