How do I know if I have Round-Ups® available to invest?

Article author
Alexander G.
  • Updated

Here's how to check for available Round-Ups®:

  1. Log in to your Acorns account and select "Invest"
  2. Tap or click on "Round-Ups®"
  3. You'll see a "Waiting to be invested" section
    • The progress bar shows you how close you are to reaching the $5 Round-Ups® threshold
    • Once it reaches at least $5, the money will be pulled from your bank account and invested into your Acorns Invest account
  4. Below that, you'll see a list of your Round-Ups® transactions. This is where you can click on the + sign to invest your available Round-Ups®.

Round-Ups® investment status

You'll see a specific symbol next to your Round-Ups® to show their current investment status. Here's what each symbol means:
Acorns logo = that Round-Ups® transaction has already been invested

Checkmark = that Round-Ups® transaction is currently pending and will be invested once the $5 threshold is reached

Plus Sign (+) = that Round-Ups® transaction has not yet been invested. Clicking the green + sign will allow you to manually add your Round-Ups® and invest them once they reach at least $5.

Round-Ups® can be a great way to invest your spare change in the background of life, but it's important to make sure you have enough money in your linked accounts to cover your investing.

If you don't keep enough money in your primary checking account, you could end up with overdraft fees from your bank.

If this is something you're concerned about, you could consider turning off automatic Round-Ups® and reviewing them manually instead. Here's more information on the difference between automatic and manual Round-Ups®.

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