How do I set up a Recurring Contribution?

Article author
Carlee S.
  • Updated

We’re excited to help you grow your oak! Here's how to set up a Recurring Contribution for your Acorns Later IRA. 

  1. Log into your Acorns account
  2. Tap or click on "Later"
  3. Tap or click on "Recurring"
  4. Enter the amount you'd like to contribute
  5. Choose  the frequency for your contribution
  6. Tap or click on "Turn On"

This is a great way to invest regularly, even small amounts, in your future, and tap into the proven power of Dollar Cost Averaging

Remember, you can change or pause a Recurring Contribution any time. We’ll automatically stop transfers once you reach the maximum contribution limit set by the IRS. For the latest information on limits, visit

Investing in your retirement is a key part of your financial wellness plan. It may seem far away, but the earlier and more consistently you invest, the more opportunity your money has to grow long-term—for the life you want later.

For more on retirement investment, check out this resource from Learn.

Grow your oak!


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