This depends on a number of factors, including your account type, risk level tolerance, and more. Select one of the following accounts to learn more information.
Acorns Invest
You will be recommended one of our 5 core portfolios or 4 ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) portfolios based on your risk level tolerance. You can change your portfolio selection at any time. Just know there can be tax implications when you make a portfolio change.
Each portfolio is composed of exchange-traded funds — ETFs for short. An ETF is made of broad holdings of stocks and/or bonds. Depending on your portfolio, you’re invested in a mix of companies, regions, and bonds. Check out this article for more information regarding the ETFs.
If you are in the Gold plan, you can customize your portfolio! Check out this article for more information.
Acorns Later retirement account
After answering some quick questions regarding your income and tax filing status, you will be recommended one of our 3 IRA (Individual Retirement Account) plans: Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, or SEP IRA.
Like Acorns Invest, each IRA plan is composed of exchange-traded funds - ETFs for short. An ETF is made of broad holdings of stocks and/or bonds. Depending on your IRA plan, you’re invested in a mix of companies, regions, and bonds. Check out these article for more information regarding ETFs.
Acorns Early custodial account
Acorns Early is available on the Gold plan. With Acorns Early, you can start investing for the future of your loved ones. Our UTMA / UGMA investment account for kids features custom Earn rewards and education for families.
Custodial brokerage accounts work a lot like accounts you use to invest for yourself. You can choose to pick your own investments at a traditional brokerage or use pre-crafted diversified mixes, like those in Acorns’ portfolios.
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