Why did I receive an Overdraft (NSF) fee from my bank?

Article author
Kelly R.
  • Updated

Thanks for checking on this. Banks typically charge overdraft fees if your account drops below a certain amount, and a charge or withdrawal is attempted.

If your account dips below this amount, and an Acorns transfer is attempted, such as a Recurring Investment or Round-Ups® f transfer, you may incur a fee.

Unfortunately, we can’t see when your linked bank is low on funds. 

To help prevent overdraft fees from your bank, you can check your account’s notification settings. Typically, banks will notify you when your funds are low. 

Until your bank account funds are replenished, you can pause Recurring Investments and Round-Ups®. Simply tap “Invest” from your home screen and tap “Round-Ups” or “Recurring” to make a change.

You can also add your average monthly Round-Ups® and your Recurring Investment to your budget, so you’re not surprised in the future. 

For tips on how to create an effective budget, check out this article from Learn.

We hope this helps you grow your oak!

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