What contributions count toward Early Match?

Article author
Tatiana B.
  • Updated

It's easy to get an Early Match — all you need to do is make one of these contributions to your Early accounts:

  • Recurring contributions
  • One-time contributions
  • Paycheck Split contributions

Rollovers, gifts, transfers, dividends, and rewards aren't eligible for Early Match.

A few things for you to know:

  • To get an Early Match, you have to make the contribution on or after October 1, 2024. If you make a contribution before this date, it won't be eligible for a match.
  • All contributions must be successfully invested in your Acorns Early custodial account to qualify for Early Match. Once your contribution has been successfully invested and settled, which typically takes 5-7 business days, the match amount will be applied automatically to your Acorns Early custodial account. 

Match amounts are subject to a 4-year holding period, explained here.

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