What do I do if I created a GoHenry account outside of the Benefit Hub?

Article author
Alexander G.
  • Updated

If you signed up outside of the Benefit Hub in the Acorns Gold plan, you may notice that the promo wasn't applied to your account.

If you are being billed for GoHenry and are under the Acorns Gold plan, please follow these steps to resolve this issue. 

  1. Ensure the email address for both Acorns and GoHenry accounts match.
  2. See the steps to update your email address for Acorns.
  3. See the steps to update your email address for GoHenry
  4. Activate your GoHenry account, if you have not already.

Once you activate your GoHenry account, Acorns will work with GoHenry to reconcile your account within 1-2 business days. Please note that we will only process this request for activated accounts in good standing. 

Once you activate your GoHenry account the following will occur:

  1. GoHenry will confirm eligibility with Acorns. 
  2. Acorns will provide confirmation of eligibility.
  3. GoHenry will apply the appropriate promo. 
  4. You will receive an email confirmation. 

You’ll continue to be billed your monthly GoHenry membership fee until you’ve received an email from GoHenry. This email will confirm that we’ve been able to successfully verify your eligibility for this benefit.


Please reach out to GoHenry Support for assistance after you have completed the steps below:

  • Ensured your email address matches on both accounts
  • The GoHenry account is activated
  • 48 hours have passed since you created the account

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