Why don’t I see an ESG portfolio option for the conservative portfolio?

Article author
Alexander G.
  • Updated

The ESG portfolios consist of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), which are primarily invested in individual companies. Since the conservative “Core” portfolio is composed solely of bond ETFs, Acorns does not have a comparable conservative ESG (environmental, social, and governance) portfolio.  

Acorns has selected your portfolio based on your responses to the r investor profile questionnaire. 

If you are currently in a conservative portfolio and are looking for an ESG portfolio option, you have the ability to switch to an ESG portfolio with a higher risk profile; however,  assume you are willing to accept additional risk. 

Here’s how to override our portfolio recommendation and change your preferred portfolio: 

From your Acorns app:

  1. Tap "Invest"
  2. Tap “Your Portfolio”
  3. Tap "Edit”
  4. Tap “Risk”
  5. Tap the buttons at the top of the screen to scroll through the different risk types
  6. Tap your desired portfolio, then "Next"  
  7. Tap "Change to this portfolio"
  8. Tap "Continue changing portfolio" to override our recommendation
  9. Tap "I’m sure" to confirm
  10. Tap "Done" to return to the Invest Portfolio screen
  11. Tap "Edit”
  12. Tap “Portfolio Theme”
  13. Tap "ESG portfolios", then "Next"
  14. Tap "Change to this portfolio"
  15. Tap "I’m sure" to confirm.

From acorns.com: 

  1. Click "Invest"
  2. Click “Your Portfolio”
  3. Click "Edit”
  4. Click “Risk”
  5. Click on the left and right arrows to scroll through each portfolio
  6. Click on your desired portfolio
  7. Click on "Change Portfolio"
  8. Click on "Continue changing portfolio" to override our recommendation
  9. Click on "I’m sure" to confirm
  10. Click on "Done" to return to the Invest Portfolio screen
  11. Click on "Theme"
  12. Click on "ESG portfolios", then "Next"
  13. Click on "Change to this portfolio"
  14. Click on "I’m sure" to confirm

Please note, that the portfolio for your Later account is based partially on your retirement age, so the portfolio risk generally cannot be changed. However, we do offer the ability to switch the type to our ESG portfolio.

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