We’re here to help. Before you cancel your Recurring Contribution, remember that you can pause your investments instead. Also, don’t worry about exceeding your IRA contribution limit. We’ll automatically stop your Later Recurring Investments if you reach that point.
Here’s how to cancel a Recurring Contribution:
- Log into your account
- Tap or click on "Later"
- Tap or click on "Recurring"
- Switch the toggle to "Off"
- Tap or click on "Save"
- Confirm that you want to cancel your recurring contribution
When you can return to your Later Recurring Investment, simply revisit the “Recurring” section of your Later account and switch the toggle back to “On”.
Investing in your retirement is a key part of your financial wellness plan. It may seem far away, but the earlier you start, the more opportunity your money has to grow long-term—for the life you want later.
For more on retirement investment, check out this resource from Learn.
Grow your oak!
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