How much can I withdraw from my Later account?

Article author
Trish V.
  • Updated

Good question. While you can withdraw any available funds from your Acorns Later IRA, there may be tax penalties enforced by the IRS.

Check the IRS website for the latest information, but there may be as much as a 10% penalty for withdrawing funds from any IRA before the set “retirement age”.

We aren’t able to give tax advice, but consult or a tax professional to understand the implications of withdrawing from your IRS.

Heads up 

If your Acorns Later balance exceeds $50,000, we’ll break up your withdrawal into $50,000 increments when transferring your funds.

Here's how to withdraw funds from your Acorns Later account.

Investing in your retirement is a key part of your financial wellness plan. It may seem far away, but the earlier and more consistently you invest, the more opportunity your money has to grow long-term—for the life you want later.

For more on retirement investment, check out this resource from Learn.

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